Back Jerk behind the head exercise  

Step 1Step 1 for exercise Jerk behind the headStep 2Step 2 for exercise Jerk behind the headStep 3Step 3 for exercise Jerk behind the head

Step 4

Step 4 for exercise Jerk behind the head

  1. Pick the weight up, bring the bar into the rack position first and then same position on the back.  

  2. As you begin the move, you will create the same dip on the knee that you did on push jerk, So actually dip on the knee, extend the hips fully and this will create lift on the bar.

  3. As you do that the bar goanna travel upper and you will separate your feet into air squat position and press yourself on the bar.

  4. Pick the bar up and pick it down. Create the dip in nice explosion and lift  the bar  at the bottom.

  • In Push Jerk behind the head, the bar will be sitting on the back of your neck, you have to pull back your elbows, this will ensure that the bar take straight line over the head. So in this upper position, your upper stays back, and make tight everywhere.

  • Always start with feet under the hips and nice upright torso and make sure that your legs are tight and glues are tight, your abs are tight and they are nice and vertical.
  • Your feet should be landing nice and flat.
  • Make sure that your elbows are back and your chest nice and tight.

  • Make sure that your upper spine is not rounding during push jerk behind the head, which will create lack of spinal extension if spine is rounding which means you will not be able to perform bar lift safely.
  • In push jerk behind the head, make sure to place the bar behind the head rather than being on the rack position.

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